I first met Vasi at the Temple to Music while her mother, Sasha danced and modeled for my Creating Your Vision Photography Workshop. At the time, Vasi was quietly drawing on her sketch pad and was rather shy. Recently, Vasi was one of our professional models at @anthonytomaselli hauntingly beautiful studio at the Providence Art Club. We are all proud of the woman that Vasi has become and wish her well as she pursues her dreams in California!
. . . . #CreatingYourVision #creativelife #modellife #influenceyourself #herstory #makeportraits #growth
“Because in the end, you won’t remember the times you spent online. Ride that goddamn bike!”
. . . . #influenceyourself #bnwdrama #perspective #journeys #inthewind #harleydavidson “When you are courting a nice girl an hour seems like a second.
When you sit on a red-hot cinder a second seems like an hour. That's relativity.” ~Albert Einstein “Spindrift”
"We are tied to the ocean. And when we go back to the sea, whether it is to sail or to watch it, we are going back from whence we came.” ~JFK Spindrift explores the delicate dance of the ocean and global water issues. Photographed on Nantucket Island, near the nuclear bunker that JFK would have been whisked away to during the Cold War, the veil represents the morning mist rising from a pond in New England that can become a part of a tsunami wave in Asia or an ice crystal on an Antarctic iceberg. Because we, the inhabitants of the world, all share the oceans and fresh water sources that sustain life on earth and provide a source of recreation and livelihood, we are intimately connected to one another. 107th Annual Art By the Bay Members Show The Ellison Center for the Arts 64 St. George Street Duxbury, Massachusetts Dates: June 10 - August 29, 2024 Opening reception: June 14, 5-7 pm . . . . #contemporaryart #contemporaryartist #creativelife #artoftheday #artscopemagazine #contemporaryartcurator #artnewengland #davidleeblack #fineartphotography #spindrift #nauticalart #soulphotography #rockyneck #gloucesterart Please welcome returning model Cheri White who will among other HP Lovecraft/Victorian-vibed talent at this Sunday's Creating Your Vision Photography Workshop at the Fleur-de-lys building, home of Anthony D. Tomaselli's painting studio at the Providence Art Club.
11-1 pm Meet and greet: 10:30 am https://fb.me/e/6EpokCZnE Everyone knows what an angel is – even those who are not religious or do not believe in them. This is largely due to their presence in art such as in the studio of Anthony Tomaselli at the Providence Art Club with model Leigh Kinney from the Providence Drum Troupe.
. . . . Angels and subtle bodies, a photographic journey in Providence. Rest easy Julie . . .
“Time passes and we may be apart, but cousins always stay close at heart.” Infinite gratitude to one of the coolest restauranteurs in Providence who purchased “Wanderess” after seeing it at the recent Narrows Center for the Arts exhibition, “Triangulation”!
The image resonated with him and he contacted the gallery to further seek me out for purchase. You never know~ |
July 2024
Contact Me[email protected]
508-631-7666 |